What we Grow

  • Spinach
  • Carrots
  • Lettuce
  • Cilantro

    How we grow our food

    We only grow non-gmo varieties(some hybrids, majority heirloom) of fruits, herbs & vegetables using a mix of holistic and regenerative farming practices. For us at Arenoso Farms, we feel that producing healthy plants without the use of chemical or synthetic pesticides, herbicides, or fertilizers is the only way to be able to provide you with healthy fruits & vegetables. We also feel that soil health is very critical to a plants health, and not relying on off farm inputs like compost and manure is our ultimate goal in which we are working hard to achieve by using cover crops, rotation of heavy feeding cash crops, and also fallowing of rows. We also understand that animals play a critical role in maintaining soil health in nature, and we will eventually employ a few goats or other similar grazer into the garden to complete this cycle of turning plant matter into mass that will return to the soil.

    Here are some pictures of our bounty for last year(2014), which was grown in the backyard using 15 gallon pots for tomatoes(cherry and Black Krim), with the rest grown of the plants(squash, jalapeno, cucumber, tomatillo, sunflowers, beans) in the very sandy soil of Albuquerque’s West Side. The soil did grow some very tasty Metechi garlic though, but the other crops were usually thirsty without much organic material in the soil to hold the water, and were not watered as much as they would have liked to be.

    2015 Metechi hardneck garlic

    2015 Metechi hardneck garlic

    2014 Jalapeno crop

    2014 Jalapeno

    2014 cherry tomatoes

    2014 cherry tomatoes